Wednesday 27 March 2013




Once again you find yourself standing in front of the old oak door that leads tp the secret garden. finding the key in your pocket you place it  in lock and turn it ; stepping into the garden remember to lock the door behind you , step down the two steps that lead you  onto the path, follow the path noticing the old oak tree on your right with its bright lush green canopy of leaves and thick branches as you tread the path you notice blossom all over the grass and under your feet it falls like snow from the cherry trees on the left , the air is filled with the aroma of flora and fauna, rabbits play and hop about, young frogs leap in and out of the stream, watched by the bright blue kingfisher sitting on the branch nearby, the sun filters through the branches overhead. Something up ahead catches your eye, there is something sparkling in the sun on a stone altar, as you approach you see it is an orange a stone, picking it up you hold it up to the light noting the bubbles inside it, it feels warm to the touch also comforting and protective , you sit on a rock in the sun and hold the stone to your heart; what does it say to your heart, what is its song , you take your time, then you hold it to your third eye and breath in listening to the stone, then to your throat and back to your heart again; take your time with each chakra then when you are ready and with its permission pop it in your pocket. It is now your ally, your crystal ally one of the stone people , your amber.
Make your way back along the path  honouring the nature spirits as you go and leave the garden when you are ready locking the  door behind you, write up your experiences in your journal when you get back.
Maryelle Anderson.

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